Welcome to Beacon Education a Trust that sees genius in every child. Our family of schools has been serving families of West Somerset as a Multi-Academy Trust since 2016.
Throughout Beacon Education, our core priority is to enrich the lives of all our pupils and colleagues by providing an ambitious pupil focussed educational offer.
We are proud to offer a comprehensive educational offer from birth to 13 years of age. We understand and embrace the responsibility that is given to all members of the Trust team to deliver an enriched high-quality education that will enhance life opportunities for all our pupils.
Our four Early Years settings, four first and two middle schools have a shared commitment and vision, aiming to build an inclusive, supportive, considerate community of lifelong learners, who are self-aware, reflective of the thoughts and beliefs of others and aspire to make a positive difference to the world in which we all live. Each of our educational establishments holds its own vision and ethos, underpinned by the Trust’s core values; it is our belief that by working together as a family of schools we can share expertise and skills. It is our intention to collaborate both within our Trust family and neighbouring schools and Trusts, sharing best practice and innovation.
Schools within our Trust are provided with a wealth of support from our Central Team, comprising of experts within their individual fields, including Finance, HR, Data, School Improvement, Estates, IT, Safeguarding and much more. The Central Team alleviate the day to day running of schools and administration that too often burdens school leadership, providing Beacon leaders with the opportunity to focus on delivering the very best educational offer for all pupils.
We are passionate to improve the quality of education for every child in our care. Our core values of Ambition, Respect and Excellence will be promoted, aiming for a culture in which everyone is able to feel valued, and where all achievements and efforts are celebrated. Working together in a safe, caring and stimulating environment, where all stakeholders are Always Learning! As an organisation we are reflective, and recognise our staff and pupils are our most precious commodity – without them we are nothing.
I trust the information within our website provides you with a flavour of what Beacon Education can offer you. Should you have any further queries please contact us at ceo@beaconedu.uk
Trudy Danby – Interim CEO